Every Silver Lining
So the sun finally comes out and things get dry and warm kinda spring-like. So we're feeling kind of frisky and start visiting our neighbors and doing what rabbits do: eating the plants that are springing up due to the warmth and recent rain. That's the silver lining part. The cloud part isn't actually a cloud, but the shadow of a Brobdignagian SUV (which I think stands for Suburban Uhsalt V-hickle). I can't begin to tell you how many of my fellow denizens of the lawn have been run over recently.
Well, okay, I can begin, if you really want to know. There was Manny no, not that Manny, another one and Fred on Sunday, then Jerome and Jerald, the twins, on Monday. And today, Alice. And that's just within a block or two!
It's supposed to be warm again tomorrow. I hope folks are paying attention and stop running out into the streets. Otherwise it's going to be a lonely spring.